Food Company To Inform Customers Not To Eat Its Products Every Day

It is not every day that a food company labels its products as unhealthy. Mars Food plans to inform customers whether to eat its products occasionally or every day to promote a balanced diet and help curb the growing obesity epidemic.

Some of its products, including Dolmio pasta sauces and macaroni cheese, will be labeled to be eaten only once a week since these contain increased levels of sugar, salt or fat. Food products containing low levels of salt, fat or sugar may be eaten "every day."

The Brussels-based unit of Mars Inc., the maker of Dolmio and Uncle Ben's sauces, says that the new policy applies only to its products that will be eaten as meals and not for occasional treats like Snickers or M&M's.

The move is part of a bigger program, the Health and Wellbeing Ambition, which aims to create and promote healthier food choices to consumers. This will roll out over the next five years and focus on five major areas:

1. Improve nutritional content, inspiring customers to cook and eat healthy food

2. Provide clients with more nutrition information about eating a balanced diet

3. Explore new formats to offer products in affordable prices

4. Provide the company's associates with the chance to improve health through cooking facilities, healthier food options and nutrition education

"Cooking and eating healthy meals at home is central to health and wellbeing, and we believe our brands should inspire our consumers to come together over a healthy meal," Fiona Dawson, global president of Mars Food, Drinks and Multisales, said in a statement.

"Mars Food will practice what we preach by starting with our own Associates and helping them make informed, healthier food choices and cook meals together at our sites," she added.

The food industry has exerted efforts to make sure sodium levels are reduced but there is more work to be done to help consumers reduce their own sodium intake.

Mars Inc. has set targets to reduce sodium content in its global product range by an average of about 20 percent by 2021. It also plans to decrease the amount of added sugar in a limited number of light meals and pasta sauces by 2018 and use more whole grains, vegetables and other healthy food items.

Photo: Junya Ogura | Flickr

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