'Dark Souls 3' Combat Guide: 5 Tips For New Players

Combat has always been the main focus on the Souls series, and Dark Souls 3 is no different. Sure, there are characters to meet and treasures to unearth, but the vast majority of your time in From Software's latest will be putting the hurt on whatever monstrosity decides to cross your path.

Dark Souls has always taken a unique approach to combat: instead of relying on the button-mashing antics of classic action games, the Souls series is more about intuitive controls and a more measured pace.

It's great once you get the hang of things ... but anyone who's used to playing action games like Bayonetta or Batman: Arkham Knight will have some adjusting to do.

So, if you've been having trouble getting the hang of the combat mechanics in Dark Souls 3, you're in luck: our guide covers everything, from the most basic of maneuvers to complex techniques. Your sword and shield will be your best friends on the journey to conquer the Lords of Cinder — best make sure you know how to use them!

Swords, Shields, and How to Use Them

In Dark Souls 3, the player's most powerful attack is also their riskiest.

With the proper shield and expert timing, players can parry enemy attacks for a chance at an extra-powerful Critical Attack. On paper, it's simple enough: simply hit the left trigger as the enemy's about to hit you, and you'll shove their weapon away. Follow that up with a standard attack, and you've just executed one of the hardest-hitting attacks in the game — and just like backstabs, parrying can even work on some bosses!

However, pulling off a parry/riposte combo is extremely risky: not only does the necessary timing change with each different enemy, but missing your window means that you'll be taking the full force of whatever attack was headed your way. A successful parry could end up putting the odds in your favor ... but missing a parry could put you back at the nearest bonfire.

Of course, combat is just half of what makes your character unique — determining what stats and attributes they'll focus on is just as important as your technique in the field. If you've been struggling to figure out what sort of class you want to play as (or just need a refresher), make sure to check out our character-building guide!

For more on Dark Souls 3, make sure to check out our ever-growing coverage hub.

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