Now you can fart in 'Killzone: Shadow Fall' with $2 add-on

PlayStation 4 game "Killzone: Shadow Fall" put out a new add-on this week that no one saw coming, and very likely nobody asked for. For $2 (or €2 in Europe), you can now add farting to your game.



For the uninitiated, it's called a "spotlight move," which is something winners in multiplayer get to enjoy and losers must suffer in a scene that follows each match. It resembles an interrogation scene, only it usually ends up with the defeated soldier's humiliating, and usually cheeky, execution. So now, you can fart on your opponent when you win -- if you're willing to pony up the $2.

That's not all. Also included in what the PlayStation Store calls the "Killzone: Shadow Fall Fun & Games Spotlight Pack" are planking and something called "comedy spotlight moves." Planking is the Internet craze where people posted pictures of themselves laying face-down, flat and rigid (like a plank) on various surfaces. It was a huge fad around 2008, but has fallen out of popularity since.

According to a Killzone video showing off the download pack, at least one of the "comedy spotlight moves" involves the interrogator extending a hand to his captured soldier who's kneeling on the ground. When the soldier tries to take the other man's hand, the interrogator pulls back and then smacks the prisoner in the head. Similar hijinks occur when defeated enemies get farted upon or knocked out with a vicious punch to the head and then planked on top of.

Obviously this is meant to encourage players to relax and have a bit of fun at their opponent's expense. Doesn't two dollars seem pricey just for the right to gloat, though? On the other hand, players are bound to feel some real satisfaction when pulling off one of these spotlight moves, particularly if their opponent doesn't own the pack.

Keep in mind that these added functions had to be programmed into the game, which is not a simple matter in a triple-A, next-gen title. As hard as it is to imagine, Guerrilla Games actually paid someone to wear a motion-capture suit and mime farting and planking so that this "Fun & Games Spotlight Pack" could come into being.

Perhaps a future update will add even more "comedic" spotlight moves like giving wedgies or flicking boogers at your enemy. Who knows? This could even inspire Sony to add odor inducers to the PlayStation 5 so the humiliation can be made real.

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